1. Applications of Machine Learning


10 Applications of ML

  • Facebook Facial Recognition. When you upload a photo, Facebook somehow knows already who your friends are and tags them automatically, and that's a Machine Learning algorithm in action.

  • The joystick on your X-Box where it looks at your actions. You don't have to have a joystick and you can playgames on your X-Box. It actually uses a Machine Learning algorithm call random forest which we will discuss in great detail inside this class.

  • Virtual Reality headsets, where you turn your head and the picture movies and how does the Machine know and how the headset know what to portray? That is a Machine Learning algorithm monitoring your actions and connecting them to the game or whatever you're looking at.

  • Text to Speech or Voice Recognition in your phone keyboard. If you click that microphone button, it will recognize what you are saying and thats a Machine Learning algorithm in action again.

  • Robot dogs and they learn how to walk and it's very interesting because the engineers don't just put an algorithm onto them. Most the time, they actually uses a good algorithm or a Machine Learning method called reinforcement learning so that the robot dogs learn how to walk on their own.

  • Facebook ads, as they know you better then you know yourself.

  • Amazon, Netflix and Audible all uses Machine Learning for their recommender systems.

  • Machine Learning is used in medicine. I personally knows a Data Scientist who uses Machine Learning to save lives of people on a daily basis.

  • Machine Learning is used in space to recognize certain areas of the world through maps.

  • Machine Learning is used to explore new territories such as Mars.

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