14. Categorical Data
Looking at the Data.csv, we see that we have two categorical variables which are Country and Purchased
Their values contain categories
So we need to encode the text we have over here into numbers
Encoding categorical data in Python
We use the another library LabelEncoder from sklearn and create a class of it
We then fit and transform the country column
All of the countries are now encoded in numbers instead
Now instead replace X[:, 0] country column with the labelEncoder_X.fit_transform(X[:, 0]) to show the countries in text instead
If you print X on Ipython console, now X contains all number values
The problem is that you need to somehow make the encoded values make sense
So we have to prevent the machine learning equations from thinking that Germany is greater than France, and Spain is greater than Germany
To prevent this we are going to the dummy variables
Dummy Encoding in Python
Instead of having one column for Country, we are going to have three columns equal to the number of categories countries
So if the country is France, the France column is going to be one, else zero and likewise for the rest of the columns
We are going to use OneHotEncoder class to do this, so inspect this class documentation
Look at the categorical features, and we need to specify the column of the categorical data which is 0
The following method will encode the 0 column of X
Ctrl Enter to see if the code can run, and print X in Ipython Console
If you look at it in variable explorer, you can now see the values being encoded in 0s and 1s for Countries column
Change the formatting of decimas to %.0f to no decimals if your data cannot be seen easily
Now if you open the dataset, you can see the Countries column being replaced in X by 3 columns
So now we are going to do the same thing for Y, for Purchased column
Since there's only 2 categories we do not need to onehotencoder to encode more columns
Encoding categorical data in R
We use a factor method to specify a vector, and c is a vector in R and we creating a vector of 3 elements of Countries
Labels are used to represent the number associate with that country
Execute the code and see the difference in output for Data
Do the same for the Purchased column and you should see the Data being reflected differently for categorical columns of Country and Purchased.
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