11. Importing the Dataset
Spyder IDE Activity in Python
Ensure that your dataset resides where your python file is.
So inside Spyder IDE, press on file explorer on the right side
Navigate to the folder that contains Data.csv
For Mac users, after navigating to the correct directory, you have an option on the right hand side to set that as working directory.
For Windows users, just ensure that you import the correct data set from your woking Python file location.
If you press F5, you will set your working directory while running the Python file at the same time.
If you press Ctrl and Enter, on that specific line, if there is an output of dataset = pd.read_csv("Data.csv") on IPython console, it means the Dataset is successfully imported.
Press on variable explorer and double click on the Dataset to view the full set of data
On Dataset, the index starts from 0.
Changing the format of the Salary Column
To change the decimal place of values of salary to display no decimal place after the 0, and the value to a Float.
Press on format inside the view Dataset. and input this,
In Machine Learning, in a Dataset we need to distinguish the matrix of features and the independent variable vector.
Creating a matrix of 3 Independent Variables
So right now, we are going to create a matrix of the three independent variables.
: means that we take all the lines, because whats on the left means the lines which is the rows of the Dataset
Whats on the right of the comma, means the other columns
:-1 means we take all of the columns except the last one
.values means that we want to take all the values and that just the Python syntax and how it works
Select the line and execute
If you type X in the IPython console, you should see that we have our data from the first three columns
Creating the Dependent Variable Vector
The index 3 represents the last column of Purchased for Dependent Variable
Importing the Dataset in Rs
To set the working directory in RStudio, click on Browse on Files, and click on ... to go to your working directory
Click on More, and select Set As Working Directory
Press Ctrl enter to execute and double click on the Data, and you should display the dataset.
For R, the first observations start at 1 here and end at 10.
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