11. Importing the Dataset


Spyder IDE Activity in Python

  • Ensure that your dataset resides where your python file is.

  • So inside Spyder IDE, press on file explorer on the right side

  • Navigate to the folder that contains Data.csv

  • For Mac users, after navigating to the correct directory, you have an option on the right hand side to set that as working directory.

  • For Windows users, just ensure that you import the correct data set from your woking Python file location.

  • If you press F5, you will set your working directory while running the Python file at the same time.

    #Importing the Dataset
    dataset = pd.read_csv("Data.csv")
  • If you press Ctrl and Enter, on that specific line, if there is an output of dataset = pd.read_csv("Data.csv") on IPython console, it means the Dataset is successfully imported.

  • Press on variable explorer and double click on the Dataset to view the full set of data

  • On Dataset, the index starts from 0.

Changing the format of the Salary Column

  • To change the decimal place of values of salary to display no decimal place after the 0, and the value to a Float.

  • Press on format inside the view Dataset. and input this,

  • In Machine Learning, in a Dataset we need to distinguish the matrix of features and the independent variable vector.

Creating a matrix of 3 Independent Variables

  • So right now, we are going to create a matrix of the three independent variables.

      X = dataset.iloc[:, :-1].values
  • : means that we take all the lines, because whats on the left means the lines which is the rows of the Dataset

  • Whats on the right of the comma, means the other columns

  • :-1 means we take all of the columns except the last one

  • .values means that we want to take all the values and that just the Python syntax and how it works

  • Select the line and execute

  • If you type X in the IPython console, you should see that we have our data from the first three columns

Creating the Dependent Variable Vector

    Y = dataset.iloc[:, 3].values
  • The index 3 represents the last column of Purchased for Dependent Variable

Importing the Dataset in Rs

  • To set the working directory in RStudio, click on Browse on Files, and click on ... to go to your working directory

  • Click on More, and select Set As Working Directory

      # Data Preprocessing
      # Importing the dataset
      dataset = read.csv("Data.csv")
  • Press Ctrl enter to execute and double click on the Data, and you should display the dataset.

  • For R, the first observations start at 1 here and end at 10.

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