2. Why Machine Learning is the Future


Data is Everywhere

  • We got the word Cloud, and it just illustrates Data is everywhere.

  • Whereever you go, there's data and in fact there's even a term for it, Data Exhaust.

  • You are constantly leaving behind a trail of data whereever you go.

  • So data is just growing exponentially and it's just accumulating all the time.

  • Since the dawn of time, up until 2005, Humans had created 130 Exabytes of Data.

The Scale of Data

  • A letter "A" on the computer takes up 1 byte, and a thousand letters represents a page on a small book and that fits into one kilobyte.

  • Now if we zoom out another thousands times, and we have a thousand kilobytes which is a megabyte and that is about a book with 500 pages double sided.

  • Now if we zoom out another thousand times. we get a gigabyte.

  • Now believe it or not you can fit the human genome onto one gigabyte. So it actually takes about seven hundred twenty five megabytes of space and you can encode if you about it if you encode a whole human on one gigabyte.

  • If we magnify it by about another thousand times, and now if you take an HD camera and you walk aroun a person for his whole life.

  • So for about 80 years, every minute every second of their life and you film everything they do into a HD video. That will fit into one terabyte.

  • Now if you scala by another thousand times, and now we have got the Amazon Rainforest. It has about 1.4 billion acres, and every acre has about 500 trees in it.

  • So that makes it about 700 billion trees in the Amazon Rainforest.

  • Now if you take all of those trees and you were to chop them down, and put them into paper and fill every page of their paper with letters with text.

  • Then you will get about one to two terabytes of data.

  • That should give you an idea how huge a terabyte is.

  • An Exabyte is a thousand terabyte, so this should a bit more impressive that since the dawn of time up till 2005.

  • Humans have created 130 Exabytes of data and that includes everything including all of the books written, all of the songs that were sung and all of the words that were spoken.

  • In 2010, that number was already 1200 Exabytes.* In 2015, this number became 7900 Exabytes.

  • Then in 2020, this number is estimated to be 40,900 Exabytes.

  • We are seeing an exponential growth of data every single year.

  • There is a 50-Fold Growth from the Beginning of 2010 to the end of 2020 for Data.

  • Machine Learning is the potential that presents a potential to use the Data that is not only equipped with Machine Learning algorithms.

  • And that is why Machine Learning is actually a degree being taught at universities.

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