2. Introduction, and Getting Set Up
GETTING SET UP (Install Java, Spark, Scala, Eclipse)
Install A Java Development Kit(JDK)
From oracle.com
Accept the default configurations
Install Spark (pre-built)
From spark.apache.org
Choose a Spark release later than or equal to 2.0.0
Choose a package type: Pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 and later
Download the Spark tgz file (Unix compression format on Windows)
So you might have to download a 3rd party tgz programme on Windows to uncompress tgz file
Open the tgz spark tgz file and extract to this folder, copy all the files inside to a new folder spark in (C:) drive
Change the configuration file for spark, go to spark/conf and change log4j.properties.template to log4j.properties
Open log4j.properties with whatever word editor you have (I uses Sublime 3)
Change the following settings
Install winutils.exe and HADOOP_HOME
Create a new folder call winutils, and create a new folder called bin in (C:) drive
Copy winutils.exe into C:/winutils/bin
Set Up SPARK_HOME JAVA_HOME And PATH environment Variables
Setting up the Windows environment, right click on the windows icon on the left hand corner and go into Control Panel
Click on Systems and Security, then onto System and then Advanced system settings. Click on Environment Variables
Click on New under User Variables for User
Input in the following details for New User Variable
Now click Edit on the Path under User Variables and for User and click on New for the following environment variables
Press okay for all of the settings
Install Scala IDE (bundled with Eclipse)
From scala-ide.org
Extract and copy the eclipse folder to a new folder eclipse in (C:/)
Create a Desktop shortcut to eclipse.exe in C:/eclipse/eclipse.exe
Open up a Windows Command Prompt in Adminstrator
To exit just hit Ctrl-D
Detailed, Written Steps At SunDog Website
Last updated