15. Filtering RDD's, and the Minimum Temperature by Location Example


And the weather data examples.

Filter() Removes Data From Your RDD

  • Just takes a function that returns a boolean

  • For example, we want to filter out entries that don't have "TMIN" in the first item of a list of data:

      val minTemps = parsedLines.filter(x => x._2 == "TMIN")

Minimum Temperature In A Year

  • This is the Input data snippet:

      ITE00100554, 18000101, TMAX, -75,,, F,
      ITE00100554, 18000101, TMIN, -148,,, F,
      GM000010962, 18000101, PRCP, 0,,, E,
      EZE00100082, 18000101, TMAX, -86,,, E,
      EZE00100082, 18000101, TMIN, -135,,, E,

Parse (Map) The Input Data

    def parseLine(line: String) = {
        val fields = line.split(",")
        val stationID = fields(0)
        val entryType = fields(2)
        val temperature = fields(3).toFloat * 0.1f * (9.0f / 5.0f) + 32.0f
        // This the conversion formula for temperature
        (stationID, entryType, temperature)

    val lines = sc.textFile("../1800.csv")
    val parsedLines = lines.map(parseLine)
  • The Output is (stationID, entryType, temperature)

Filter Out All But TMIN Entries

    val minTemps = parsedLines.filter(x => x._2 == "TMIN")

Create (stationID, Temperature) Key /Value Pairs

    val stationTemps = minTemps.map(x => (x._1, x._3.toFloat))

Find Minimum Temperature By StationID

    val minTempsByStation = stationTemps.reduceByKey((x, y) => min(x, y))

Collect And Print The Results

    val results = minTempsByStation.collect()

    for (result <- results.sorted){
        val station = result._1
        val temp = result._2
        val formattedTemp = f"$temp%.2f F"
        println(s"$station minimum temperature: $formattedTemp")

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