10. Introducing RDD's


By Frank Kane


  • Resilient

  • Distributed

  • Dataset

The Sparkcontext

  • Created by your driver program

  • Is reponsible for making RDD's resilient and distributed

  • Creates RDD's

  • The Spark shell creates a "sc" object for you

Creating RDD's

  • val nums = parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 4))

  • sc.textFile("file:///c:/users/frank/gobs-a-text.txt")

    • or s3n://, hdfs://

  • hiveCtx = HiveContext(sc)

    • rows = hiveCtx.sql("SELECT name, age FROM users")

  • Can also create from:

    • JDBC

    • Cassandra

    • HBase

    • Elasticsearch

    • JSON, CSV, sequence files, object files, various compressed formats

Transforming RDD's

  • map

  • flatmap

  • filter

  • distinct

  • sample

  • union, intersection,subtract, cartesian

Map Example

  • val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(1, 2, 3, 4))

  • val squares = rdd.map(x => x * x)

  • This yields 1, 4, 9, 16

Functional Programming

Many RDD methods accept a function as a parameter

    rdd.map(x -> x * x)

Is the same thing as

    def squareIt(x: Int): Int = {
        return x * x


There, you now understand functional programming

RDD Actions

  • collect

  • count

  • countByValue

  • take

  • top

  • reduce

  • ... and more ...

Lazy Evaluation

  • Nothing actually happens in your driver program until an action is called!

Last updated