16. [Activity] Running the Minimum Temperature Example, and Modifying it for Maximum
For this activity, you will be looking at 1800.csv from the resource folder
Copy 1800.csv into SparkScala folder
Open up Eclipse-Scala IDE and import MinTemperatures.scala into SparkScalaCourse Project
If you open MinTemperatures.scala, it contains the codes that we talked about previously in our lecture
Create a new Run Configuration and put as MinTemperatures for Name and main class as com.sundogsoftware.spark.MinTemperatures and run it
You should be able to see the min temperatures for the stationID now
The first exercise is finding out the maximum temperatures instead of minimum.
The file MaxTemperatures.scala is included in this folder for your reference
The second exercise is actually finding out what date has the most precipitation and create a script based on modifying MaxTemperatures.scala
The file MaxPrecipitation.scala is included in this folder for your reference
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