16. [Activity] Running the Minimum Temperature Example, and Modifying it for Maximum


  • For this activity, you will be looking at 1800.csv from the resource folder

  • Copy 1800.csv into SparkScala folder

  • Open up Eclipse-Scala IDE and import MinTemperatures.scala into SparkScalaCourse Project

  • If you open MinTemperatures.scala, it contains the codes that we talked about previously in our lecture

  • Create a new Run Configuration and put as MinTemperatures for Name and main class as com.sundogsoftware.spark.MinTemperatures and run it

  • You should be able to see the min temperatures for the stationID now


  • The first exercise is finding out the maximum temperatures instead of minimum.

  • The file MaxTemperatures.scala is included in this folder for your reference

  • The second exercise is actually finding out what date has the most precipitation and create a script based on modifying MaxTemperatures.scala

  • The file MaxPrecipitation.scala is included in this folder for your reference

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