29. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering in Spark, cache(), and persist()


Finding similiar movies using Spark and the MovieLens data set

Introducing caching RDD's

Similiar Movies

  • Its an algorithm used for finding movie recommendations or any kind of movie recommendations for a user

  • Basically the idea is that we try to find relationships between movies based on customer behavior and user behavior

  • So if we see 2 movies that the users tend to rate together similiarly, then we must say there might be some sort of connection betweeen 2 movies

  • Using that technique, we might be able be able to built a featue that includes a list of recommended movies which might suit the user

Item-Based Collaborative Filtering

  • Find every pair of movies that were watched by the same person

  • Measure he similiarity of their ratings across all users who watched both

  • Sort by movie, then by similiarity strength

  • (This is one way to do it!)

  • Given pair of movies that have a similiar movie preferences for a user, therefore for another user 3 who watches one of the movie A associated with the pair of movies, we can use the technique to recommend the other movie which is most popularly associated with movie A

    • User 1 -> Movie A, B

    • User 2 -> Movie A, B

    • User 3 -> Movie A (Based on the algorithm, it would recommend Movie B)

Making It A Spark Problem

  • Map input ratings to (userID, (movieID, rating))

  • Find every movie pair rated by the same user

    • This can be done with a "self-join" operation

    • At this point we have (userID, ((movieID, rating1), (movieID, rating2)))

  • Filter out duplicate pairs

  • Make the movie pairs the key

    • map to ((movieID1, movieID2), (rating1, rating2))

  • groupByKey() to get every rating pair found for every movie pair

  • Compute similarity between ratings for each movie in the pair

  • Sort, save, and display results

Caching RDD'S

  • In this example, we'll query the final RDD of movie similiarities a couple of times

  • Any time you will perform more than one action on an RDD, you must cache it!

    • Otherwise, Spark might evaluate the entire RDD all over again!

  • Use .cache() or .persist() to do this.

    • What's the difference?

    • Persist() optionally lets you cache it to disk instead of just memory, just in case a node fails or something.

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