29. Item-Based Collaborative Filtering in Spark, cache(), and persist()
Finding similiar movies using Spark and the MovieLens data set
Introducing caching RDD's
Similiar Movies
Its an algorithm used for finding movie recommendations or any kind of movie recommendations for a user
Basically the idea is that we try to find relationships between movies based on customer behavior and user behavior
So if we see 2 movies that the users tend to rate together similiarly, then we must say there might be some sort of connection betweeen 2 movies
Using that technique, we might be able be able to built a featue that includes a list of recommended movies which might suit the user
Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
Find every pair of movies that were watched by the same person
Measure he similiarity of their ratings across all users who watched both
Sort by movie, then by similiarity strength
(This is one way to do it!)
Given pair of movies that have a similiar movie preferences for a user, therefore for another user 3 who watches one of the movie A associated with the pair of movies, we can use the technique to recommend the other movie which is most popularly associated with movie A
User 1 -> Movie A, B
User 2 -> Movie A, B
User 3 -> Movie A (Based on the algorithm, it would recommend Movie B)
Making It A Spark Problem
Map input ratings to (userID, (movieID, rating))
Find every movie pair rated by the same user
This can be done with a "self-join" operation
At this point we have (userID, ((movieID, rating1), (movieID, rating2)))
Filter out duplicate pairs
Make the movie pairs the key
map to ((movieID1, movieID2), (rating1, rating2))
groupByKey() to get every rating pair found for every movie pair
Compute similarity between ratings for each movie in the pair
Sort, save, and display results
Caching RDD'S
In this example, we'll query the final RDD of movie similiarities a couple of times
Any time you will perform more than one action on an RDD, you must cache it!
Otherwise, Spark might evaluate the entire RDD all over again!
Use .cache() or .persist() to do this.
What's the difference?
Persist() optionally lets you cache it to disk instead of just memory, just in case a node fails or something.
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