3. [Activity] Create a Histogram of Real Movie Ratings with Spark!

Download the required files for SparkScala

  • Create a folder called SparkScala on your (C:/) so as to store your files of the course content

  • Click on the datasets tab, and choose MovieLens 100K Dataset, ml-100kzip to download

  • Extract and copy ml-100k folder with all the files inside to the SparkScala folder you created

  • Download the SparkScala.zip from Sundog Website

  • Extract the files from SparkScala.zip and remember where you store all of these data, as it contains all the source files for this course

Importing SparkScala files into Scala Eclipse IDE

  • Open and input C:/SparkScala for select a workspace for Scala IDE

  • Create a new Scala project for the course

  • Name it SparkScalaCourse and click finish

  • Right click the project and click create, new Package

  • Name the package

  • Click the finish button

  • Right click on the package and click import

  • Navigate to General/File System/

  • Choose where you have put the SparkScala Folder sources (For me, I put under this directory)

      C:\Users\User\Desktop\Alvin Programming Files\Data Science Courses\Apache 2.0 Spark with Scala\SparkScala)
  • Check RatingsCounter.scala

  • Double click on RatingsCounter.scala

  • You can see all the codes under that file, and there will be alot of missing dependencies

  • To resolve that, right click SparkScalaCourse project and select properties

  • Go to Java build path and select add external JARs

  • Navigate to (C:/spark/jars) and CTRL-a and select all the spark JARS to be added to Scala Spark IDE

  • There might be errors displaying that spark JARS were under Scala version 2.11 which is different from my current Scala version of 2.13

  • To fix that, right click on the project and go to properties, and go to Scala Compiler

  • Check use Project Settings, and select the Fixed Version Scala built in version of your Scala IDE (For me its Scala version 2.11.11)

  • After that, all Scala version related errors should disappear

Creating and Running a Scala Spark Application

  • Click on run, and go to Run Configurations

  • Click on Scala Applications, and input this for main class

  • Click run and it should work

  • The console should now show the output for the count for the ratings 1 to 5

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