42. [Activity] Using DataSets instead of RDD's


  • So Datasets are kind of taking over Spark and you should be using Datasets instead of RDD it make sense

  • This is because it is a faster implementation over RDD

  • Import PopularMoviesDatasets.scala from sourcefolder into SparkScalaCourse in Spark-Eclipse IDE

  • Open PopularMoviesDatasets.scala and look at the code

Looking At The Code

  • The first part of the script is actually unchanged from the PopularMovies.scala example

  • We define the structure of the data as Movie class which contains the movieID: Int

    // Read in each rating line and extract the movie ID; construct an RDD of Movie objects.
    val lines = spark.sparkContext.textFile("../ml-100k/u.data").map(x => Movie(x.split("\t")(1).toInt))
  • We are parsing into a RDD of Movie object before converted it to a Dataset of Movie objects

  • Now we do not have to pass it through hoops of mapping key and values to get the result that we want

    // Some SQL-style magic to sort all movies by popularity in one line!
    val topMovieIDs = moviesDS.groupBy("movieID").count().orderBy(desc("count")).cache()
  • We are sorting the movies with the most ratings by using this one line in descending order

    // Grab the top 10
    val top10 = topMovieIDs.take(10)

    // Load up the movie ID -> name map
    val names = loadMovieNames()

    // Print the results
    for (result <- top10) {
        // result is just a Row at this point; we need to cast it back.
        // Each row has movieID, count as above.
        println (names(result(0).asInstanceOf[Int]) + ": " + result(1))
  • We are printing each result by casting as an Instance of Int for movieIDs into names to get the movie name

  • The movie name and the number of ratings will be printed next

  • Now run this code and see the output

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