19. [Activity] Sorting the Word Count Results
Tricks for getting the output you needed
Sorting The Results: Step 1
We could sort what countByValue() returns, but let's use RDD's to keep it scalable.
First, do countByValue() the "hard way":
Convert each word to a key/ value pair with a value of 1
Then count them all up with reduceByKey()
Sorting The Results: Step 2
Flip the (word, count) pairs to (count, word)
Then use sortByKey() to sort by count(now that count is our new key)
Off To The Code
Import WordCountBetterSorted.scala into SparkScala folder
Open up the scala script to see the codes we have described
See if you can add in a filter function to filter out the list of most used words like "the" etc.
The scala file WordCountBetterSortedFiltered.scala contains the code for filtering out the most commonly used grammar words, for generating a more insightful analysis
The file WordCountBetterSortedFiltered.scala is included in this folder
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