19. [Activity] Sorting the Word Count Results


Tricks for getting the output you needed

Sorting The Results: Step 1

  • We could sort what countByValue() returns, but let's use RDD's to keep it scalable.

  • First, do countByValue() the "hard way":

      val wordCounts = lowercaseWords.map(x => (x, 1)).reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y)
  • Convert each word to a key/ value pair with a value of 1

  • Then count them all up with reduceByKey()

Sorting The Results: Step 2

  • Flip the (word, count) pairs to (count, word)

  • Then use sortByKey() to sort by count(now that count is our new key)

      val wordCountsSorted = wordCounts.map(x = > (x._2, x._1)).sortByKey()

Off To The Code


  • Import WordCountBetterSorted.scala into SparkScala folder

  • Open up the scala script to see the codes we have described

  • See if you can add in a filter function to filter out the list of most used words like "the" etc.

  • The scala file WordCountBetterSortedFiltered.scala contains the code for filtering out the most commonly used grammar words, for generating a more insightful analysis

  • The file WordCountBetterSortedFiltered.scala is included in this folder

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