34. Introducing Amazon Elastic MapReduce


Distributed Spark

  • This is the layout of a Spark Job

Layout of Spark Job

Spark Driver

Cluster Manager

Cluster Worker/ Executors

Cluster Worker/ Executors

Cluster Worker/ Executors

Other Spark-Submit Parameters

  • --master

    • yarn - for running a YARN / Hadoop cluster

    • hostname:port - for connecting to a master on a Spark standalone cluster

    • mesos://masternode:port

    • A master in your SparkConf will override this!!!

  • --num-executors

    • Must set explicitly with YARN, only 2 by default

  • --executor-memory

    • Make sure you don't try to use more more memory than you have

  • --total-executor-cores

Amazon Elastic MapReduce

  • A quick way to create a cluster with Spark, Hadoop, and YARN pre-installed

  • You pay by the hour-instance and for network and storage IO

  • Let's run our one-million-ratings movie recommender on a cluster

Let's Use Elastic MapReduce

  • Very quick and easy way to rent time on a cluster of your own

  • Sets up a default spark configuration for you on top of Hadoop's YARN cluster manager

    • Buzzword alert! We're using Hadoop! Well, a part of it anyhow.

  • Spark also has a built-in standalone cluster manager, and scripts to set up its own EC2-based cluster.

    • But the AWS console is even easier.

  • Spark on EMR isn't really expensive, but it's not cheap either.

    • Unlike MapReduce with MRJob, you'll be using m3.xlarge instances.

    • I racked up about $30 running Spark jobs over a few hours preparing this course.

    • You also have to remember to shutdown your clusters when you're done, or else...

    • So you might just want to watch, and not follow along.

  • Make sure things run locally on a subset of your data first.

Getting Set Up On EMR

  • Make an Amazon Web Services account

  • Create an EC2 key pair and download the .pem file

  • On Windows, you'll need a terminal like PUTTY

    • For PUTTY, need to convert the .pem to a .ppk private key file

  • I'll walk you through this now.

Last updated