36. Partitioning
Let's Look At The Code
If you look at MoviesSimilarities1M.scala script in your Spark Eclipse IDE, there were a few things that we have changed.
There was one line of code that talks about partitioning on a fairly large cluster
Optimizing For Running On A Cluster: Partitioning
Spark isn't totally magic - you need to think about how your data is partitioned
Running our movie similarity script as-is might not work at all.
That self-join is expensive, and Spark won't distribute it on its own.
Use .partitionBy() on an RDD before running a large operation that benefits from partitioning
Join(). cogroup(), groupWith(), join(), leftOuterJoin(), rightOuterJoin(), groupByKey(), combineByKey(), and lookup()
Those operations will preserve your partitioning in their result too.
Choosing A Partition Size
Too few partitions won't take full advantage of your cluster
Too many results in too much overhead froms shuffling data
At least as many partitions as you have cores, or executors that fit within your available memory
partitionBy(100) is usually a reasonsable place to start for large operations.
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