36. Partitioning


Let's Look At The Code

  • If you look at MoviesSimilarities1M.scala script in your Spark Eclipse IDE, there were a few things that we have changed.

  • There was one line of code that talks about partitioning on a fairly large cluster

      // Now key by (movie1, movie2) pairs.
      val moviePairs = uniqueJoinedRatings.map(makePairs).partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100))

Optimizing For Running On A Cluster: Partitioning

  • Spark isn't totally magic - you need to think about how your data is partitioned

  • Running our movie similarity script as-is might not work at all.

    • That self-join is expensive, and Spark won't distribute it on its own.

  • Use .partitionBy() on an RDD before running a large operation that benefits from partitioning

    • Join(). cogroup(), groupWith(), join(), leftOuterJoin(), rightOuterJoin(), groupByKey(), combineByKey(), and lookup()

    • Those operations will preserve your partitioning in their result too.

Choosing A Partition Size

  • Too few partitions won't take full advantage of your cluster

  • Too many results in too much overhead froms shuffling data

  • At least as many partitions as you have cores, or executors that fit within your available memory

  • partitionBy(100) is usually a reasonsable place to start for large operations.

      // Filter out duplicate pairs
      val uniqueJoinedRatings = joinedRatings.filter(filterDuplicates)
      // Now key by (movie1, movie2) pairs.
      val moviePairs = uniqueJoinedRatings.map(makePairs).partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100))
      // We now have (movie1, movie2) => (rating1, rating2)
      // Now collect all ratings for each movie pair and compute similarity
      val moviePairRatings = moviePairs.groupByKey()

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