5. [Exercise] Scala Basics, Part 2


  • When you look at the file LearningScala1.sc

  • The syntax for Scala allows you to set printf which is formatting

      // printf style:
      println(f"Pi is about $piSinglePrecision%.3f")
      //> Pi is about 3.142
      println(f"Zero padding on the left: $numberOne%05d")
      //> Zero padding on the left: 00001
  • Scala allows you to subsitite variables with s prefix

      // Substiting in variables
      println(s"I can use s prefix to ue variable like $numberOne $truth $letterA")
      //> I can use the s prefix to use variables like 1 true a
  • Scala allows you to substitute expressions with curly brackets

      // Substituting expressions (with curly brackets):
      println(s"The s prefix isn't limited to variables; I can include any expression. Like ${1+2}")
      //> The s prefix isn't limited to variables; I can include any expression. Like 3
  • Scala can also use regular expression

  • Dealing with booleans

  • You can use >, <, and == to compare across val

  • Scala you can use == to compare across two strings to see if both are the same string "Picard" == "Picard"


    // Write some code that takes the value of pi, doubles it, and then prints it within a string with
    // three decimal places of precision to the right.
    // Just write your code below here; any time you save the file it will automatically display the results!

    val newPi = pi * 2
    println(f"This is the new Pi: $newPi%.3f")

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