28. Superhero Degrees of Seperation: Review the code, and run it!
Import DegreesOfSeperation.scala from resource folder into Eclipse-Scala IDE in SparkScala folder
Open and take a look at DegreesOfSeperation.scala
At the start, we seperate each line in marvel-graph.txt into a BFS node with heroID, default distance and color of gray
Looking at the Code
val startCharacterID = 5306 // SpiderMan
val targetCharacterID = 14 // ADAM 3,031 (who?)
This is the characters we want to find the seperation between.
// BFSData contains an array of hero ID connections, the distance, and color.
var hitCounter:Option[Accumulator[Int]] = None
//BFSData contains an array of hero ID connections, the distance, and color.
type BFSData = (Array[Int]), Int, String)
// A BFSNode has a heroID and the BFSData associated with it.
type BFS Node = (Int, BFSData)
Specifying the BFSData and BFSNode
def convertToBFS(line: String): BFSNode = {
// Split up the line into fields
val fields = line.split("\\s+")
// Extract this hero ID from the field field
val heroID = fields(0).toInt
// Extract subsequent hero ID's into the connections array
var connections: ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer()
for (connections <- i to (fields.length - 1)) {
connections += fields(connection).toInt
// Default distance and color is 9999 and white
var color: String = "WHITE"
var distance: Int = 9999
// Unless this is the character we'restarting from
if (heroID == startCharacterID){
color = "GRAY"
distance = 0
return (heroID, (connections.toArray, distance, color))
Specifying the hero ID and the connections from the csv data
Assigning the default color of WHITE and distance of 9999 to a new BFSNode
Unless this is the character we are starting from, the color is changed to GRAY and the distance is changed to 0
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Set the log level to only print errors
// Create a SparkContext using every core of the local machine
val sc = new SparkContext("Local[*]", "DegreesOfSeperation")
// Our accumulator, used to signal when we find the target
// character is in our BFS transversal.
hitCounter = Some(sc.longAccumulator("Hit Counter"))
var iterationRdd = createStartingRdd(sc)
for (iteration <- 1 to 10) {
println("Running BFS Iteration# " + iteration)
// Create new vertices as needed to darken or reduce distances in the
// reduce stage. If we encounter the node we're looking for as a GRAY
// node, increment our accumulator to signal that we're done.
val mapped = iterationRdd.flatMap(bfsMap)
// Note that mapped.count() action here forces the RDD to be evaluated, and
// that's the only reason our accumulator is actually updated.
println("Processing " + mapped.count() + " values.")
if (hitCounter.isDefined) {
val hitCount = hitCounter.get.value
if (hitCount > 0) {
println("Hit the target character! From " + hitCount + " different direction(s).")
// Reducer combines data for each character ID, preserving the darkest
// color and shortest path.
iterationRdd = mapped.reduceByKey(bfsReduce)
We are going to run the main method and iterate through 10 times through the graph to find out who is actually connected to one another
It actually goes to the function bfsMap to expand BFS Node into this node and its children
/** Expands a BFSNode into this node and its children */
def bfsMap(node:BFSNode): Array[BFSNode] = {
// Extract data from the BFSNode
val characterID:Int = node._1
val data:BFSData = node._2
val connections:Array[Int] = data._1
val distance:Int = data._2
var color:String = data._3
// This is called from flatMap, so we return an array
// of potentially many BFSNodes to add to our new RDD
var results:ArrayBuffer[BFSNode] = ArrayBuffer()
// Gray nodes are flagged for expansion, and create new
// gray nodes for each connection
if (color == "GRAY") {
for (connection <- connections) {
val newCharacterID = connection
val newDistance = distance + 1
val newColor = "GRAY"
// Have we stumbled across the character we're looking for?
// If so increment our accumulator so the driver script knows.
if (targetCharacterID == connection) {
if (hitCounter.isDefined) {
// Create our new Gray node for this connection and add it to the results
val newEntry:BFSNode = (newCharacterID, (Array(), newDistance, newColor))
results += newEntry
// Color this node as black, indicating it has been processed already.
color = "BLACK"
// Add the original node back in, so its connections can get merged with
// the gray nodes in the reducer.
val thisEntry:BFSNode = (characterID, (connections, distance, color))
results += thisEntry
return results.toArray
Returns a results of array that contains the many possible BFS nodes that contains the results for the targetCharacterID
hitCounter is defined as a global option, so the operation can reference it while calculating if the current node colour is gray.
If the current node colour is gray, it means it is the character we are starting from
/** Combine nodes for the same heroID, preserving the shortest length and darkest color. */
def bfsReduce(data1:BFSData, data2:BFSData): BFSData = {
// Extract data that we are combining
val edges1:Array[Int] = data1._1
val edges2:Array[Int] = data2._1
val distance1:Int = data1._2
val distance2:Int = data2._2
val color1:String = data1._3
val color2:String = data2._3
// Default node values
var distance:Int = 9999
var color:String = "WHITE"
var edges:ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer()
// See if one is the original node with its connections.
// If so preserve them.
if (edges1.length > 0) {
edges ++= edges1
if (edges2.length > 0) {
edges ++= edges2
// Preserve minimum distance
if (distance1 < distance) {
distance = distance1
if (distance2 < distance) {
distance = distance2
// Preserve darkest color
if (color1 == "WHITE" && (color2 == "GRAY" || color2 == "BLACK")) {
color = color2
if (color1 == "GRAY" && color2 == "BLACK") {
color = color2
if (color2 == "WHITE" && (color1 == "GRAY" || color1 == "BLACK")) {
color = color1
if (color2 == "GRAY" && color1 == "BLACK") {
color = color1
return (edges.toArray, distance, color)
Maps the nodes and returns the nodes with edges, minimum distance and darkest color
Remember for the starting character id we are starting with, the distance is set to 0 in bfsMap function
Now go ahead and run the code and you should see the output
The Results
Running BFS Iteration# 1
Processing 8330 values.
Running BFS Iteration# 2
Processing 220615 values.
Hit the target character! From 1 different direction(s).
So it means that our targetted character ADAM 3,031 is 2 degrees of seperations from Spiderman our starting character