14. [Activity] Running the Average Friends by Age Example


  • For this activity, you will be looking at fakefriends.csv from the resource folder

  • Copy fakefriends.csv into SparkScala folder

  • Open Scala IDE and go to SparkScalaCourse and import the file FriendsByAge.scala

  • Open up the file FriendsByAge.scala and it is the codes that we talked about in the previous lecture

  • To run the file, right click and select Run configurations

  • Choose Scala Application and select New to create new configuration and name it FriendsByAge

  • Choose the Main Class to be com.sundogsoftware.spark.FriendsByAge and select apply and run

  • Now you should able to see the output for the average for each of the age


  • I have changed and created a new file FriendsByFirstName.scala to sort average friends by first name based on fakefriends.csv data

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