26. Superhero Degrees of Seperation: Introducing Breadth-First Search
An iteratve Breadth-First-Search implementation in Spark, and introducing accumulators
Degrees Of Seperation: Breadth-First Search
So Kevin Bacon is rumoured to be the center of Hollywood and claimed to worked with almost every actor and anyone in Hollywood could be found within 6 degrees of seperation from Kevin Bacon
Having worked in IMDB.com, that is not true so we are trying to find out how well connected are the superheroes from one another
BFS In Action
We need to find out the line connecting the superheroes in relation and the distance associated
Each superheroe is represented as a node
We can associate different colour as the state, and the colors can change depends on how we explore the relationship from the initial state to other states
So from one starting node, we can explore the nearest nodes, and store that as 1 to represent the degree of seperation
We would want to maintain the shortest distance path, and further explore the breadth down the explored path
The node would change from white (unexplore) to black (explored)
Implementing BFS In Spark
Represent each line as a node with connections, a color, and a distance
For example:
Our initial condition is that a node is infinitely distance (9999) and white
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