26. Superhero Degrees of Seperation: Introducing Breadth-First Search


An iteratve Breadth-First-Search implementation in Spark, and introducing accumulators

  • So Kevin Bacon is rumoured to be the center of Hollywood and claimed to worked with almost every actor and anyone in Hollywood could be found within 6 degrees of seperation from Kevin Bacon

  • Having worked in IMDB.com, that is not true so we are trying to find out how well connected are the superheroes from one another

BFS In Action

  • We need to find out the line connecting the superheroes in relation and the distance associated

  • Each superheroe is represented as a node

  • We can associate different colour as the state, and the colors can change depends on how we explore the relationship from the initial state to other states

  • So from one starting node, we can explore the nearest nodes, and store that as 1 to represent the degree of seperation

  • We would want to maintain the shortest distance path, and further explore the breadth down the explored path

  • The node would change from white (unexplore) to black (explored)

Implementing BFS In Spark

  • Represent each line as a node with connections, a color, and a distance

  • For example:

      5983 1165 3836 4361 1282
  • becomes

      (5911, (1165, 3836, 4361, 1282), 9999, WHITE)
  • Our initial condition is that a node is infinitely distance (9999) and white

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