47. Spark Streaming Overview


Spark Streaming

  • Analyzes continual streams of data

    • Common example: processing log data from a website or server

  • Data is aggregated and analyzed at some given interval

  • Can take data fed to some port, Amazon Kinesis, HDFS, Kafka, Flume, and others

  • "Checkpointing" stores state to disk periodically for fault tolerance

  • A "Dstream" object breaks up the stream into distinct RDD's

  • Simple example:

      val stream = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))
      val lines = stream.sockTextStream("localhost", 8888)
      val errors = lines.filter(_.contains("error"))
  • This listen to log data sent into port 8888, one second at a time, and prints out error lines.

  • You may need to kick off the job explicitly

  • Remember your RDD's only contain one little chunk of incoming data.

  • "Windowed operations" can combine results from multiple batches over some sliding time window

    • See window(), reduceByWindow(), reduceByKeyAndWindow()

  • updateStateByKey()

    • Lets you maintain a state acros many batches as time goes by

    • For example, running counts of some event

Let's Stream

  • We'll run a Spark Streaming script that monitors live Tweets from Twitter, and keeps track of the most popular hashtags as Tweets are received!

Need A Twitter Developer Account.

  • Specifically we need to get an API key and access token

  • This allows us to stream Twitter data in real time!

  • Do this at Twitter Website

Create A Twitter.txt File In Your WorkSpace

  • On each line, specify a name and your own consumer key & access token information

  • For example (substitute in your own keys & tokens!)

      accessToken 384953089-3DUtu13XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Step One

  • Get a Twitter stream and extract just the messages themselves

    val tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
    val statuses = tweets.map(status => status.getText())

    Vote for #BoatMcBoatFace!
    Vote for "I Like Big Boats and I Cannot Lie!"
    No! Vote for #WhatIceberg ?
    Are you crazy? #BoatMcBoatFace all the way.

Step Two

  • Create a new Dstream that has every individual word as its own entry.

  • We use flatMap() for this

    val tweetwords = statuses.flatMap(tweetText => tweetText.split(" "))


Step Three

  • Eliminate anything that's not a hashtag

  • We use the filter() function for this

    val hashtags = tweetwords.filter(word => word.startsWith("#"))


Step Four

  • Convert our RDD of hashtags to key/value pairs

  • This is so we can count them up with a reduce function

    val hashtagKeyValues = hashtags.map(hashtag => (hashtag, 1))

    (#BoatyMcBoatFace, 1)
    (#WhatIceberg, 1)
    (#BoatyMcBoatFace, 1)

Step Five

  • Count up the results over a sliding window

  • A reduce operations adds up all of the values for a given key

    • Here, a key is a unique hashtag, and each value is 1

    • So by adding up all the "1"'s associated with each instance of a hastag, we get the count of that hashtag

  • reduceByKeyAndWindow performs this reduce operations over a given window and slide interval

    val hashtagCounts = hashtagKeyValues.reduceByKeyAndWindow((x,y) => x + y, (x,y) => x - y, Seconds(300), Seconds(1))

    (#BoatyMcBoatFace, 2)
    (#WhatIceberg, 1)
  • Besides combining, we also pass in a function to remove hashtag, and input the parameters of 5 minutes for window time and 1 seconds for batch time

  • So basically every one second, it will update the result over the past five minutes

Step Six

  • Sort and output the results.

  • The counts are in the second value of each tuple, so we sort by ._2 element

    val sortedResults = hashtagCounts.transform(rdd => rdd.sortBy(x => x._2, false))

    (#BoatyMcBoatFace, 2)
    (#WhatIceberg, 1)

Let's See It In Action

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