20. [Exercise] Find the Total Amount Spent by Customer


Count up total amount ordered by customer

Add Up Amount Spent By Customer

  • So we need to create a simple script to see how much each customer spent on total based on a csv data


  • Split each comma-delimited line into fields

  • Map each line to key/ value pairs of customer ID and dollar amount

  • Use reduceByKey to add up amount by customer ID

  • collect() the results and print them

Useful Snippets

  • Review previous examples

  • Split comma-delimited fields

      val fields = line.split(",")
  • Treat field 0 as an integer, and field 2 as a floating point number:

      (fields(0).toInt, fields(2).toFloat)

Good Luck


  • Import the file customer-orders.csv as the data for your script from the resource, into the SparkScala folder

  • To create new script, just right click and select create new Scala object

  • Name the Scala object PurchaseByCustomer

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