20. [Exercise] Find the Total Amount Spent by Customer
Count up total amount ordered by customer
Add Up Amount Spent By Customer
So we need to create a simple script to see how much each customer spent on total based on a csv data
Split each comma-delimited line into fields
Map each line to key/ value pairs of customer ID and dollar amount
Use reduceByKey to add up amount by customer ID
collect() the results and print them
Useful Snippets
Review previous examples
Split comma-delimited fields
Treat field 0 as an integer, and field 2 as a floating point number:
Good Luck
Import the file customer-orders.csv as the data for your script from the resource, into the SparkScala folder
To create new script, just right click and select create new Scala object
Name the Scala object PurchaseByCustomer
Previous19. [Activity] Sorting the Word Count ResultsNext21. [Exercise] Check your Results, and Sort Them by Total Amount Spent
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