32. [Activity] Using spark-submit to run Spark driver scripts


Using EMR, tuning performance on a cluster.

Running With Spark-Submit

  • Make sure there are no paths to your local filesystem used in your script! That's what HDFS, S3, etc. are for.

  • Package up your Scala project into a JAR file (using Export in the IDE)

  • You can now use spark-submit to execute your driver script outside of the IDE

      spark-submit -class <class object that contains your main function>
          --jars <paths to any dependencies>
          --files <files you want placed alongside your application>
          <your JAR file>

Let's Try It Out

    spark-submit -class com.sundogsoft.spark.PopularMovies PopularMovies.jar


  • To export your package as a JAR

  • Right click on your project com.sundogsoftware.spark and click export

  • Select a JAR file and press next and save the JAR file as File Name: PopularMovies.jar and press finish

  • Next open your cmd and run as Administrator and cd to SparkScalaCourse folder

      cd C:/SparkScala/SparkScalaCourse
  • This is the spark-submit command to execute that PopularMovies class

      spark-submit --class com.sundogsoftware.spark.PopularMovies PopularMovies.jar
  • From there you should be able to see the output on your cmd

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