6. [Exercise] Flow Control in Scala


  • For this activity, go ahead and import from the resource the file LearningScala2.scala

  • For Scala, we can control the flow of code

  • For example, if and else control flow in 1 line using Functional Programming

  • You can also use if and else condition with {} syntax

      // Flow control
      // If / else syntax
      if (1 > 3) println("Impossible!") else println("The world makes sense.")
      //> The world makes sense.
      if (1 > 3) {
        } else {
            println("The world makes sense.")
  • You can also use case match for certain cases

      // Matching - like switch in other languages:
        val number = 3                               
      //> number  : Int = 3
      number match {
            case 1 => println("One")
            case 2 => println("Two")
            case 3 => println("Three")
            case _ => println("Something else")
       //> Three
  • This is the syntax for For Loop in Scala

      // For loops
      for (x <- 1 to 4) {
          val squared = x * x
      //> 1
      //| 4                                              
      //| 9                                              
      //| 16
  • This is the syntax for While Loop in Scala

      // While loops
      var x = 10                                      
      //> x  : Int = 10
      while (x >= 0) {
          x -= 1
      //> 10
      //| 9                                              
      //| 8                                              
      //| 7                                              
      //| 6                                              
      //| 5                                              
      //| 4                                              
      //| 3                                              
      //| 2                                              
      //| 1                                              
      //| 0
  • This is the syntax for Do While Loop in Scala in 1 line using Functional Programming

      // Do While Loop
      x = 0
      //> 0
      do { println(x); x+=1 } while (x <= 10)
      //| 1
      //| 2
      //| 3
      //| 4
      //| 5
      //| 6
      //| 7
      //| 8
      //| 9
      //| 10
  • In Scala, you can print the result returned by the expression, even while not assigning any val to it

      // Expressions
      // "Returns" the final value in a block automatically
      {val x = 10; x + 20}                           
      //> res0: Int = 30
      println({val x = 10; x + 20})            
      //> 30


    // Write some code that prints out the first 10 values of the Fibonacci sequence.
    // This is the sequence where every number is the sum of the two numbers before it.
    // So, the result should be 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34

    var prevVal = 0                          
    //> prevVal  : Int = 0
    var prevPrevVal = 1                      
    //> prevPrevVal  : Int = 1
    var i = 0                                
    //> i  : Int = 0

        val sum = prevPrevVal + prevVal
        prevPrevVal = prevVal
        prevVal = sum
        i += 1
     } while (i < 10)                         
    //> 0
    //| 1
    //| 1
    //| 2
    //| 3
    //| 5
    //| 8
    //| 13
    //| 21
    //| 34

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