39. Introduction to SparkSQL


DataFrames and DataSets

Working With Structured Data

  • Extends RDD to a "DataFrame" objet

  • DataFrames:

    • Contain Row objects

    • Can run SQL queries

    • Has a schema (leading to more efficient storage)

    • Read and write to JSON, Hive, parquet

    • Communicates with JDBC/ ODBC, Tableau


  • A DataFrame is really just a DataSet of Row objects


  • DataSets can explicitly wrap a given struct or type (DataSet[Person], DataSet[(String, Double)])

    • It knows what its column are from the get-go

  • DataFrames schema is inferred at runtime; but a DataSet can be inferred at compile time

    • Faster detection of errors, and better optimization

  • RDD's can be converted to DataSets with .toDS()

DataSets Are The New Hotness

  • The trend in Spark is to use RDD's less, and DataSets more

  • DataSets are more efficient

    • They can be serialized very efficiently - even better than Kryo

    • Optimal execution plans can be determined at compile time

  • DataSets allow for better interoperability

    • MLLib and Spark Streaming are moving toward using DataSets instead of RDD's for their primary API

  • DataSets simplify development

    • You can perform most SQL operations on a dataset with one line

In Spark 2.0.0, you create a SparkSession object instead of a SparkContext when using SparkSQL /DataSets

  • You can get a SparkContext from this session, and use it to issue SQL queries on your DataSets!

  • Stop the session when you're done.

Other Stuff You Can Do With DataFrames

  • myResultDataFrame.show()

  • myResultDataFrame.select("someFieldName")

  • myResultDataFrame.filter(myResultDataFrame("someFieldName") > 200)

  • myResultDataFrame.groupBy(myResultDataFrame("someFieldName")).mean()

  • myResultDataFrame.rdd().map(mapperFunction)

Shell Access

  • Spark SQL exposes a JDBC/ODBC server (if you built Spark with Hive support)

  • Start it with sbin/start-thriftserver.sh

  • Listens on port 10000 by default

  • Connect using bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000

  • Viola, you have a SQL shellto Spark SQL

  • You can create new tables, or query existing ones that were cached using hiveCtx.cacheTable("tableName")

User-Defined Functions (UDF'S)

    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf

    val square = (x => x * x)
    squaredDF = df.withColumn("square", square('value'))

Let's Play With Spark SQL And DataFrames

  • Use our fake social network data from earlier

  • Query it with SQL, and then use DataSets without SQL

  • Finally we'll re-do our popular movies example with DataSets, and see how much simpler it is.

Last updated