39. Introduction to SparkSQL
DataFrames and DataSets
Working With Structured Data
Extends RDD to a "DataFrame" objet
Contain Row objects
Can run SQL queries
Has a schema (leading to more efficient storage)
Read and write to JSON, Hive, parquet
Communicates with JDBC/ ODBC, Tableau
A DataFrame is really just a DataSet of Row objects
DataSets can explicitly wrap a given struct or type (DataSet[Person], DataSet[(String, Double)])
It knows what its column are from the get-go
DataFrames schema is inferred at runtime; but a DataSet can be inferred at compile time
Faster detection of errors, and better optimization
RDD's can be converted to DataSets with .toDS()
DataSets Are The New Hotness
The trend in Spark is to use RDD's less, and DataSets more
DataSets are more efficient
They can be serialized very efficiently - even better than Kryo
Optimal execution plans can be determined at compile time
DataSets allow for better interoperability
MLLib and Spark Streaming are moving toward using DataSets instead of RDD's for their primary API
DataSets simplify development
You can perform most SQL operations on a dataset with one line
In Spark 2.0.0, you create a SparkSession object instead of a SparkContext when using SparkSQL /DataSets
You can get a SparkContext from this session, and use it to issue SQL queries on your DataSets!
Stop the session when you're done.
Other Stuff You Can Do With DataFrames
myResultDataFrame.filter(myResultDataFrame("someFieldName") > 200)
Shell Access
Spark SQL exposes a JDBC/ODBC server (if you built Spark with Hive support)
Start it with sbin/start-thriftserver.sh
Listens on port 10000 by default
Connect using bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000
Viola, you have a SQL shellto Spark SQL
You can create new tables, or query existing ones that were cached using hiveCtx.cacheTable("tableName")
User-Defined Functions (UDF'S)
Let's Play With Spark SQL And DataFrames
Use our fake social network data from earlier
Query it with SQL, and then use DataSets without SQL
Finally we'll re-do our popular movies example with DataSets, and see how much simpler it is.
Last updated