24. [Activity] Use Broadcast Variables to Display Movie Names


Let's Make The Results Readable.

  • Display movie names, not ID's (from the u.item file)

  • We could just keep a table loaded in the driver program

    • Or we could even let Spark automatically automatically forward it to each executor when needed

    • But what if the table were massive? We'd only want to transfer once to each executor, and keep it there.

Introducing Broadcast variables

  • Broadcast objects to the executors, such that they are always there whenever needed

  • Just sc.broadcast() to ship off whatever you want

  • Then use .value() to get the object back

Off To The Code Again!

  • Import PopularMoviesNicer.scala from resource folder into Eclipse-Scala IDE in SparkScala folder

  • Open and take a look at PopularMoviesNicer.scala

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