24. [Activity] Use Broadcast Variables to Display Movie Names
Let's Make The Results Readable.
Display movie names, not ID's (from the u.item file)
We could just keep a table loaded in the driver program
Or we could even let Spark automatically automatically forward it to each executor when needed
But what if the table were massive? We'd only want to transfer once to each executor, and keep it there.
Introducing Broadcast variables
Broadcast objects to the executors, such that they are always there whenever needed
Just sc.broadcast() to ship off whatever you want
Then use .value() to get the object back
Off To The Code Again!
Import PopularMoviesNicer.scala from resource folder into Eclipse-Scala IDE in SparkScala folder
Open and take a look at PopularMoviesNicer.scala
Previous23. [Activity] Find the Most Popular MovieNext25. [Activity] Find the Most Popular Superhero in a Social Graph
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